Sunday, June 14, 2009

Southeast Stickiness

Last week I visited upstate New York for a family wedding. I was greeted with a cool and dry airmass that I have to admit was a nice break from the heat and humidity here in west-central Florida. Don't get me wrong, I actually like the warm weather, but it was nice to get a cool shot of that first cold front that comes through in the fall bringing the falls first shot of cool dry air.

The difference in airmasses reminded of the differences in regional weather. I know that many of the residents in the Tampa Bay area are from other places and/or have family spread out across the country, so I thought I would show you a few graphics that you can find on our new website

First off, lets take a look at the heat. As far as near or above average temperatures go, the heat as been mainly in the southeast U.S.

The dewpoints are a measure of the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. High dewpoints are what make the air feel moist and sticky, while low dewpoints make it feel dry. As you can see, the southeast and Florida have very high dewpoints. (not that this is out of the ordinary)

You can see more graphics like this on the new site. Take some time to look around as there is a lot to look at. In upcoming blogs, I will highlight specific areas on the site helping to point out just some of the great stuff on there. Enjoy the weather and enjoy the site!

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