The average temperature in the month of January 2010 for Tampa International Airport averaged 6.6F degrees below average. Typically in January, our daytime highs approach 70 while overnight lows are near 52. If we were near those normals, the average monthly temperature would have been about 61.3 degrees F.
January 2010 was a cold month though, with an average monthly temperature of 54.7 degrees F. That is 6.6 degrees F below average. That makes January in Tampa the sixth coldest on record.
February is not looking much better either as we already are running below average. So far our monthly average of highs and lows combined is 57.6F This is 4.2 degrees F below average. The next 5-7 days all look below average and even the extended models suggest the rest of the month will remain cooler than average. So much for the warm Florida winters!
As much as we want to complain, we should remember that things could be much worse. The three major airports in the Washington D.C. area (BWI, DCA, IAD) all set record snowfall totals for the season!